3rd Eye Blue Candle | Find Truth and Expression

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What is the Meaning of a Blue Candle?
Blue candles apart from giving us peace of mind, help us to express ourselves better by stimulating creativity, intelligence, healing, meditation and forgiveness. The meaning of blue candles is related to the sea, the sky, but its primary purpose is to awake tranquility and stability.

Our Candle is for aiding in matters that have to do with justice and finding the truth. Why not have a little help tipping the often unfair balances in your favor? Whether it be personal matters that you feel you are being deceived, or serious matters such as ones involving the court, this candle will help petition the universe to reveal hidden matters and to find you in favor.

Created intentionally with herbs, crystals, oils and sigils, light your candle and speak out loud the situation you have at hand, and how you wish for the matter to be resolved. You will find the truth you need and for justice to be served.

Quick facts about blue candles

Planet Jupiter
Day Thursday
Chakra Throat
Astrological Sign Sagittarius
Numerology 4, 6
Crystals Lapis lazuli, blue lace agate, sodalite, and turquoise.

When we light a blue candle, we are invoking tranquility and stability.

If you want to find harmony in the home, you have to light a blue candle to facilitate the process of well-being and understanding.

Lighting a blue candle strengthens confidence and concentration.

The blue color is that of the Sagittarius sign and is ruled by the planet Jupiter.

What are Blue Candles used for?
The blue candle, apart from everything that I’ve mentioned above, can also be used for transformation processes and to intensify our instincts.

They are beneficial because they help us find balance in moments of tension by finding our axis again.

Besides, blue candles can help us improve the quality of sleep, as they have high healing power against insomnia.